Galician Association of Coeliacs Collaborates with SANTIAGO(é)TAPASThis year, SANTIAGO(é)TAPAS, the tapas competition held in Santiago de Compostela, has decided to demonstrate its commitment to people suffering from gluten intolerance with the inclusion of 10 gluten-free tapas from different eateries in this year’s edition of the event. The tapas in question were evaluated by the Galician Association of Coeliacs (Acega), which has collaborated actively in the competition’s organization.

The gluten-free tapas include “Zamburiña con repinaldo frapé e jamón de A Cañiza”, “Ravioli de repollo y gallina”, “Ensalada de mango con pollo marinado” and “Milhojas de verduritas al celahu”. Both the tapas and the eateries where they can be ordered are identified by a special symbol in the “Tapasport”, a booklet containing the 109 tapas and the 56 eateries/tapas bars participating in the competition, as well as the different tapa trails or “(é)tapas” in which they are included.

In the words of Isabel Capdevila, manager of Acega: “On behalf of all coeliacs, we are delighted to be able to participate for the first time in SANTIAGO(é)TAPAS. Thanks to this initiative, coeliacs feel integrated in society and this helps make our daily life more tolerable.”

Acega was created in 1998 with the aim of representing the collective of Galicians suffering from gluten intolerance. The only treatment for coeliac disease is a strict gluten-free diet for life. The association is a non-profit organization keyed to improving the quality of life of coeliacs, guaranteeing its members a gluten-free diet – a vital aspect for their good health – in their daily life, with a minimum of problems.

The importance of this problem is reflected in the number of coeliacs in Acega’s census: 1,900 in Galicia, and 306 in the city of Santiago and its county. During the competition, scheduled to be held from 11 June-4 July, locals and visitors from abroad with gluten intolerance will be able to participate for the first time in SANTIAGO(é)TAPAS.

SANTIAGO(é)TAPAS is organized by the Santiago Tourist Board and promoted by the Council of Santiago and the Compostela Hospitality Association. Estrella Galicia is the event’s main private sponsor and Turgalicia its chief public sponsor.

For further information, ring Isabel Capdevila, manager of Acega, on +34 690 711 834.

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