Octopus fishery. (Photo: Xunta de Galicia)

Octopus management plan ‘rigour and responsibility’ highlighted


Tuesday, July 02, 2013, 22:30 (GMT + 9)

The head of the General Secretariat of Marine Affairs of the Xunta de Galicia, Juan Maneiro, praised the octopus season start and ensured the development of the resource Management Plan was performed in a thorough and responsible way to obtain sustainability for the resource and the sector.

Maneiro insisted that the 2013-2014 season plan was adopted after checking the octopus situation is unsatisfactory, both from the biological and the profitability point of view of the fishery.

Therefore, it was necessary to take measures to ensure the future sustainability of the cephalopod.

The Galician secretary recalled that since 2010 there has been a decrease in the amount of octopus captures and in their economic value.

According to the available data, three years ago more than 3,200 tonnes of octopus were landed at the market while in 2011 a total of 2,500 tonnes had been landed and in 2012, only 1,800 tonnes had been landed.

Maneiro explained that the adopted measures are focused on monitoring the capture activity in the sea and the processing and marketing processes.

Under the management plan framework, the baskets should have seals to control the excess of this gear at sea, the working hours — especially the one set for going out at sea –, and the establishment of a monitoring and control programme.

This particular programme affects the basket shipment control and that of the activity. It also has an impact on the marketing area through the specific monitoring at landing points of food chain control and in the processing area, the Xunta de Galicia reported.

The plan was agreed with the provincial federations of associations and also a working group was created in the Pontevedra Provincial Federation for analysis.

As to the amendments proposed by the sector, Maneiro clarified that the substantiated claims were accepted.

Finally, the Secretary General of Marine Affairs deplored the violent behaviour that occurred during Monday morning and the coercion performed by the associations for fishermen to stay off work.

Related article:

Galicia starts octopus management plan review

By Analia Murias


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