Bonito. (Photo: StockFile)

Bonito landings produce EUR 9.2 million in Galician ports


Wednesday, July 03, 2013, 04:20 (GMT + 9)

Last year more than 2,200 tonnes of bonito were landed in Galician ports for an economic value exceeding EUR 9.2 million.

This was reported in Burela by the head of the General Secretariat of Marine Affairs of the Xunta de Galicia, during the presentation of the promotional campaign and of the label “Aquí facémolo bonito”.

Secretary Juan Maneiro stressed that in Burela port, in the province of Lugo, more than 68 per cent of this species is landed, with a value that represents more than 69 per cent of the total.

With the launch of this campaign, the Ministry for Rural and Marine Affairs aims to make the consumer aware of the existence of bonito with the maximum guarantees, now that the season has started.

To ensure the artisanal origin of the fishing activity for the bonito specimens that reach the outlets, guarantee seals have been made available so as to provide added value to the product.

Maneiro stressed that his department “is firmly committed to the promotion and marketing of fishery and aquaculture products as one of the pillars on which the welfare of seafarers rests.”

The Department will distribute about 200,000 labels, over 1,600 posters and more than 67,000 promotional leaflets in the main landing ports (A Coruña, Burela, Celeiro and Vigo) and in the food companies participating in the campaign.

The label implies that the capture gear is environmentally friendly and that the catch is performed in a selective way, one by one without affecting the rest of the species.


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