Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
El maquinista Francisco José G.A. ha identificado al interventor de Renfe que viajaba en el Alvia descarrilado el pasado miércoles como la persona que lo llamó minutos antes del descarrilamiento para darle indicaciones, según ha informado el Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Galicia (TSJG). El maquinista del tren siniestrado, en el que fallecieron 79 personas, se presentó voluntariamente en la mañana de este miércoles en el Juzgado de Instrucción número tres de Santiago, acompañado
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
Anfaco receives RD funding
Wednesday July 31 2013The Spanish National Association of Manufacturers of Canned Fish and Shellfish (Anfaco-Cecopesca) will receive financial support for research and development programmes as part of the Feder-Innterconecta Galicia Programme (FIGP), fis.com reports.
Anfaco will be working with 40 companies on eight projects, using EUR15 million (USD19.89 million) of FIGP funding. These will include improvement of tuna and mussel processing, development
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Filed Under PL | Прокоментуй!
Na najniższym podium stanęła ekipa SZiK Wola Rafałowska, która w małym finale pokonała gospodarzy turnieju Cornel-DarkDent Rzeszów również 3-0. Królem strzelców turnieju został Wojciech Szajna, najlepszym bramkarzem Mateusz Gnatowski (obaj Galicja Chmielnik !), natomiast najlepszym piłkarzem wybrano Bartosza Noska (Cornel-DarkDent Rzeszów).- Dziękujemy wszystkim ekipom za udział w turnieju i po mimo dużych upałów za walkę do ostatnich minut swoich rozgrywanych meczów - mówi
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
MADRID (AP) — The driver was on the phone with a colleague and apparently looking at a document as his train barreled ahead at 95 mph (153 kph) — almost twice the speed limit. Suddenly, a notorious curve was upon him.He hit the brakes too late.The train, carrying 218 passengers in eight carriages, hurtled off the tracks and slammed into a concrete wall, killing 79 people.On Tuesday, investigators looking into the crash announced their preliminary findings from analysis of the train's
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
phone to an official of national rail company Renfe when the crash happened and apparently was consulting a paper document at the time,The preliminary probe by a Spanish court investigating the crash also said that the 54-year-old driver was travelling at 153kph almost twice the speed limit, when the crash happened last week.According to a written statement from the court in Santiago de Compostela, driver activated the brakes "seconds before the crash."On Sunday, Garzon was provisionally charged
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Filed Under IT | Прокоментуй!
MADRID – Era al telefono al momento dell’incidente Francisco Garzon, il macchinista del treno deragliato mercoledì alla porte di Santiago de Compostela, in Spagna, causando 79 morti e oltre 150 feriti.
Poco prima della tragedia aveva ricevuto una telefonata sul cellulare di lavoro dalla Renfe, la società che gestisce il trasporto ferroviario, presumibilmente da un controllore che gli stava dando indicazioni sul tragitto da seguire per arrivare a Ferrol, destinazione finale del
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Filed Under IT | Прокоментуй!
Sono arrivati i primi risultati degli esami fatti sulle scatole nere del treno che si è schiantato vicino Santiago de Compostela, fatti dai tecnici del Tribunale galiziano. Il macchinista frenò in ritardo perché era al telefono con un collega della società ferroviaria Renfe. Il convoglio viaggiava ormai verso la catastrofe a 192 chilometri orari. E all'imbocco della curva della morte, dove saltò fuori dai binari come un trenino-giocattolo, correva a 152 all'ora mentre
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
RAIL services in Galicia have returned to normal following Spain’s deadliest train crash in 40 years with almost 80 fatalities and 178 injured.
Eighty-three of the casualties remained in hospital and 32 of them are reported to be in a critical condition.
The first words that have been declared from the black box opening have been that the train driver, Francisco Jose Garzon Amo was talking on the phone when it derailed. It is said that he was speaking to members of staff at the
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
Dominican Today
Tuesday 30th July, 2013
Santo Domingo. - Prominent former Spanish judge Baltasar Garzon will represent the husband and four offspring of the late Dominican official Rosalina Ynoa in a lawsuit against the transport group Renfe, at the center of last week's train derailment at Santiago de Compostela, Galicia. Garzon, a former member of Spain's highest court, yesterday said he's representing Ynoa's husband Alberti Carela and their four
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Filed Under NO | Прокоментуй!
<!--Togulykken i Santiago de Compostela:-->
Lokomotivføreren snakket i telefonen mens toget sporet av i en hastighet av 153 km/t.i Santiago de Compostela. Det fortalte etterforskere tirsdag til dommeren i Court of Justice i Galicia.
Til sammen 79 mennesker omkom i ulykken. I det øyeblikket at toget sporet av holdt det 153 km/t, men like før hadde hastigheten vært i 195 km/t, melder BBC
Les også: Minst 77 drept
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