Liz Sweedy, senior recycling specialist from the Morris County Municipal Utilities Authority, visited School Street School on May 22, to visit with members of the school’s Recycling Club.

She showed the students examples of all types of products that can be recycled and gave them an information sheet of what is accepted for recycling in Boonton.
The environmentally conscious students were happy to learn of all the things they can recycle at home, and at school, and surprised to learn that some things, such as plastic foam food containers, are not recyclable.
Sweedy also gave students a glimpse of how materials travel from the hauler to the facility where they are sorted and processed before being sent to manufacturers to create new products. She showed them several products people may be surprised to find are made of recyclable materials, such as a bath mat made from recycled plastic.
School Street School’s Recycling Club was started in March by several second graders who wanted to learn more about recycling, reuse, and conservation, and to promote “green” efforts at their school.
“They started by making sure each classroom and office had a recycling container to make it easier to recycle materials,” said faculty advisor and kindergarten teacher Gina Viruet. “To help educate classmates and staff, the students made a school-wide announcement that all paper, plastic, aluminum, and cardboard may be recycled at the school and displayed posters they made announcing their recycling program throughout the school. And, some members of the club participated in the River Clean Up, sponsored by the Boonton Recreation Department on April 27.”
Students also took part in a science project on how worms effect plant growth and how worms affect the breakdown of food and garbage in the soil.
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