Budiño - Sotaque

Budiño – Sotaque


Sotaque (Fol Música, 2013)

Sotaque is the latest album by Spanish bagpipe maestro and composer Budiño. Although his music is rooted in the traditions of his native Galicia, Budiño likes to cross musical boundaries. He embraces the sounds from other parts of the globe as well as edgy electronic beats and layers that enrich his music.

The album opens with a fabulous piece titled Nubeiros e Tronantes where he mixes his soaring bagpipe with traditional chanting, outstanding acoustic percussion in the form of frame drums and tambourines, along with tastefully layered bass synth lines.

Other album highlights include ‘Danza de Bateas,’ where Budiño picks up the flute, demonstrating skill and creativity with his solos; ‘Sotaque,’ in which Budiño collaborates with renowned Celtic flute player Michael McGoldrick in an original piece inspired by a Galician folk dance; the old-style flavor of ‘Riamonte’ that features the Cantareiros De O Fiadeiro, a group of traditional vocalists and tambourine players; the Indian-inspired ‘Chal Indiano’, with Budiño on flute interacting with Alfonso Merino’s fiddle; and the dazzling ‘Bica na Baiuca’ where Budiño creates an explosive mix of pipes, frame drums, electronic beats and traditional vocal samples.

The album also features a love song with Portuguese star António Zambujo on vocals.

Sotaque is an outstanding recording of contemporary Galician Celtic and global music by one of the finest bagpipers in Europe.

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