MADRID (AP) — Two former cyclists on Tuesday turned down requests to have their DNA analyzed to see if any of the blood bags seized by Spanish police as evidence in the Operation Puerto doping trial could be linked to them.Isidro Nozal, a 35-year-old former rider with the ONCE, Astana and Karpin-Galicia teams, refused to give the court permission to analyze his DNA."No, I don't want to," he said. "I don't see why I should have to."Joseba Beloki, a 39-year-old former racer with ONCE and Read more [...]
MADRID, Spain -- Two former cyclists turned down requests to have their DNA analyzed to see if any of the blood bags seized by Spanish police as evidence in the Operation Puerto trial into doping could be linked to them. Isidro Nozal, a 35-year-old former rider with ONCE, Astana and Karpin-Galicia, refused to give the court permission to analyze his DNA, saying, "no, I don't want to." Joseba Beloki, a 39-year-old former racer with ONCE and Liberty, also declined, saying he would have to think about Read more [...]
MADRID (AP) -- Two former cyclists turned down requests to have their DNA analyzed to see if any of the blood bags seized by Spanish police as evidence in the Operation Puerto trial into doping could be linked to them.Isidro Nozal, a 35-year-old former rider with ONCE, Astana and Karpin-Galicia, refused to give the court permission to analyze his DNA, saying, "No, I don't want to."Joseba Beloki, a 39-year-old former racer with ONCE and Liberty, also declined, saying he would have to think about Read more [...]
MADRID -- Two former cyclists on Tuesday turned down requests to have their DNA analyzed to see if any of the blood bags seized by Spanish police as evidence in the Operation Puerto doping trial could be linked to them.Isidro Nozal, a 35-year-old former rider with the ONCE, Astana and Karpin-Galicia teams, refused to give the court permission to analyze his DNA."No, I don't want to," he said. "I don't see why I should have to."Joseba Beloki, a 39-year-old former racer with ONCE and Liberty, also Read more [...]
Two former cyclists turned down requests to have their DNA analyzed to see if any of the blood bags seized by Spanish police as evidence in the Operation Puerto trial into doping could be linked to them. Isidro Nozal, a 35-year-old former rider with ONCE, Astana and Karpin-Galicia, refused to give the court permission to analyze his DNA, saying, "No, I don't want to."Joseba Beloki, a 39-year-old former racer with ONCE and Liberty, also declined, saying he would have to think about it.The riders Read more [...]
Gli agenti della Squadra Mobile di Reggio Calabria e del Commissariato di Polizia di Bovalino (Rc) ha anno arrestato Grazia Marzano, 50 anni, di Sant'Ilario dello Jonio (Rc), moglie di Giuseppe Belcastro, indicato dagli inquirenti come boss della 'ndrangheta. La donna e' accusata di estorsione aggravata. L'arresto e' stato eseguito nell'ambito dell'operazione "Dogville", che il 23 gennaio scorso porto' al fermo di cinque persone accusate di essere, in concorso tra loro, responsabili Read more [...]
ANSA, 12/02 11:03 CET Notificata ordinanza in carcere a marito e ad altri quattro (ANSA) – REGGIO CALABRIA, 12 FEB – La squadra mobile diReggio Calabria ha arrestato, per concorso in estorsioneaggravata dal metodo mafioso, Grazia Marzano, moglie di GiuseppeBelcastro, ritenuto capo della cosca di S.Ilario Ionio.L’arresto rientra nell’operazione che a gennaio ha portato alfermo di Belcastro, Antonio Galizia, Giuseppe Read more [...]
Concessionaria di pubblicità Con la collaborazione di Argentovivo per il settore editoria libraria Dati audience certificati Audiweb Eventuali comunicazioni e segnalazioni utili possono essere inviate alla redazione Alcune foto presenti su sono state prese da Internet, e quindi valutate di pubblico dominio. Se i soggetti o gli autori avessero qualcosa in contrario alla pubblicazione, Read more [...]
La Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de La Corogne, ville de la communauté autonome de Galice (nord-ouest de l’Espagne), organise une mission commerciale du 11 au 15 mars prochain au Maroc, dans le but de prospecter les opportunités d’affaires. La mission commerciale galicienne, composée d’hommes d’affaires et d’entrepreneurs représentant plusieurs sociétés, envisage d’établir des contacts commerciaux avec les opérateurs Read more [...]
Madrid:  Former Celta Vigo coach Fernando Vazquez has been named Deportivo la Coruna's third coach of the season after it was announced the football club and Domingos Paciencia were parting ways by "mutual agreement."Former Sporting Club de Portugal (Sporting Lisbon) coach, Paciencia had offered to resign following his side's 0-3 home defeat to Granada Saturday. The result left Read more [...]

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