Galicia Malone went into labor on Nov. 7 in Chicago at 3 a.m. — but waited hours to go to the hospital until after she finished casting her vote! She filled out her ballot while having contractions — read on for the remarkable story.
Galicia Malone, 21, was excited to vote for the first time in a presidential election. She was also pregnant with her first child, so when she started having contractions at 3 a.m. on Election Day, Nov. 7, she had to decide if she could make it to the polls in time.
She held off going to the hospital until after she cast her ballot.
“I never voted before so this made a major difference in my life,” she told CBS Chicago. “And I wanted this to be a stepping-stone for my daughter.”
As Galicia was filling out her ballot, her contractions were coming every five minutes.
“I was just trying to read and breathe, read and breathe,” she said. “That’s what I kept telling myself, ‘Read and breathe, read and breathe.”
After she finished voting, she went straight to the hospital to deliver her baby girl.
What do YOU think of Galicia’s decision to vote HollyMoms? Does it show determination, or should she have gone straight to the hospital for safety? Let us know in the comments below!
– Christina Stiehl
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