General Sources Tuesday 23rd October, 2012 Two regions in Spain have just had elections with results that look simple but are not. In Galicia, the conservative People’s Party (PP) in power in Madrid did very well, even though it is pushing painful austerity. In the Basque Country, separatist nationalists triumphed – in polls at last unmarked by violence. The Basque Country is one of the richest parts of Spain, and it has been demanding independence Read more [...]
Forexpros - The Australian dollar edged lower against its U.S. counterpart on Tuesday, after disappointing economic data from Australia and as concerns over a global economic slowdown persisted. AUD/USD hit 1.0309 during European morning trade, the daily low; the pair subsequently consolidated at 1.0294, slipping 0.27%. The pair was likely to find support at 1.0277, the low of September 7 and resistance at 1.0354, the high of August 31. The Conference Board said earlier that its leading index for Read more [...]
EUR: Drops for the First Time in 6 Trading DaysGBP: Quiet Trading in SterlingCAD: Will the BoC Drop Plan to Raise Rates?AUD: Early Release of Midyear Economic OutlookNZD: Gold Unchanged, Oil Down 1.5% USD/JPY on a TearHow the Dollar Reacts to a Democrat or Republican Election WinWhile the sell-off in stocks show that equity traders remained nervous about the earnings season and the outlook for the financial markets, currency traders are not convinced that tougher times lie ahead. High beta currencies Read more [...]
Canal 24 Horas, launch new interactive service Just as voters in the Basque Country and Galicia were exercising their franchise, Spanish national public broadcaster Corporación RTVE’s 24 hours and premiered + 24, a new interactive political results service for the regions. With '+24', users were able to choose what they want to see at all times, when several simultaneous information available, and offering viewers the possibility to follow live, up to five Read more [...]
A nadlimitně koncentrace právě těchto prachových částeček již opět trápí celý náš kraj, a to včetně Opavska. Polétavý prach, tzv. PM10, zahaluje prakticky celé Moravskoslezsko každoročně hlavně s příchodem zimního období. Limity jsou na Opavsku překračovány zatím jen mírně, ale zato dlouhodobě. Maximální povolená hranice čtyřiadvacetihodinových koncentrací pro PM10 je stanovena na hodnotu 50 mikrogramů na metr krychlový. V úterý v sedm ráno zaznamenala Read more [...]
Mara Monti Variazioni non di grande rilievo per i BTp, con il decennale che vede il rendimento crescere di 2 centesimima a fronte di un Bund in crescita di un centesimo: lo spread tra i due titoli si attesta quasi invariato a quota 317 con un tasso del 4,73 per cento. Non così per la Spagna, che all'indomani di due difficili elezioni delle comunità autonome (Paese Basco Read more [...]
BILBAO, Spain (Oct 22, 2012): Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy's conservatives have retained power in his home region of Galicia in regional elections but separatists made a strong showing in the Basque Country. Rajoy was spared political humiliation after his Popular Party came out Read more [...]
Spain's Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy emerged Monday with new clout after his party won an election landslide in his home region of Galicia despite a deep recession and cut-backs. Voters in Galicia strengthened Rajoy's hand on Sunday as he weighed if and when to seek a eurozone rescue line to save the nation from runaway public debt and braved protests against his austere economic reforms. "Galicia saves Rajoy," headlined the Barcelona-based daily La Vanguardia, arguing that the region Read more [...]
Weitere Artikel Schwerverdauliche Niederlage für Spaniens Sozialisten 22/10/2012 18:44 CET Separatistenerfolg bei Wahlen im Baskenland 22/10/2012 04:03 CET Neuwahlen in Katalonien sollen mehr Eigenständigkeit… 25/09/2012 22:55 CET Krise verschärft separatistische Tendenzen in Spanien 22/10/2012 18:39 CET Stimmungswahlen in Spanien 21/10/2012 00:34 CET Read more [...]
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