I biancoazzurri tornano a giocare tra le mura amiche dopo due settimane. Infortunio per Sirena Read more [...]
Sunday, 10/21: Spain holds regional elections, which could pave the way for an aid request in early November Elections in Galicia and in the Basque country are seen as a referendum on Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy’s leadership. It’s widely believed Rajoy has postponed request aid from the ESM until these elections are over. However, as we’ve said before, since Spanish debt yields are currently manageable and programs are already underway for a bank recapitalization, our view is a bailout Read more [...]
The Irish Times - Saturday, October 20, 2012SPAIN’S PRIME minister, Mariano Rajoy, faces a high-stakes election in his home region of Galicia tomorrow in which voters could punish him for his handling of the euro zone debt crisis.The vote has become a referendum on Mr Rajoy’s bank bailout, spending cuts and tax hikes and the seeming inevitability of a second euro zone aid package, which officials have told Reuters could be sought next month.“I think the People’s Party (PP) will be punished,” Read more [...]
Like thousands of others, their quest proved fruitless, and they joined the ranks of the unemployed. "People came back hoping to work on the land," Inés said. "But there's barely a living to be had at it now. For young folk there's barely anything to be had here at all." Unemployment has hit 21 per cent in Galicia, and Inés is far from alone in her worries about her area's economic prospects. While once it was proud that Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy hailed from this far-western region, now he Read more [...]
Daily FX Market Roundup 10-19-12 Could Spanish Elections Mean More Pain for EUR? Dollar Rises on Risk Aversion, Looking ahead to the Fed GBP: Supported by Drop in Borrowing Needs CAD: BoC Could Tone Down Hawkishness after CPI NZD: Could RBNZ Grow More Dovish? AUD: Gold and Oil Prices Fall Sharply JPY: Japan Warns of Impact of Rising Yields Could Spanish Elections Mean More Pain for EUR? Concerns about the outcome of this weekend’s regional elections in Spain and disappointment in the lack Read more [...]
(c) Read more [...]
(ANSAmed) - MADRID, 19 OTT - Da Bruxelles, dove ha nuovamente negato che sia imminente una richiesta di salvataggio per l'economia spagnola, il premier e leader del Partito Popular, Mariano Rajoy, sara' questa sera in Galizia per partecipare alla chiusura della campagna elettorale assieme al presidente uscente, Alberto Nunez Feijoo. Rajoy e' cosciente che e' nella sua regione di origine che si gioca buona parte del suo futuro politico. L'appuntamento elettorale e' stato anticipato Read more [...]
By Sarah Morris and Ibar Aibar — Spain’s Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy faces a high-stakes election in his home region of Galicia tomorrow in which voters could punish him for his handling of the euro zone debt crisis. The vote has become a referendum on Rajoy’s bank bailout, spending cuts and tax hikes and the seeming inevitability of a second euro zone aid package, which officials have said could be sought next month. “I think the People’s Party (PP) will be punished,” business owner Read more [...]
Meanwhile in the Basque Country, the second of Spain's 17 autonomous regions to be holding its parliamentary elections on Sunday, cuts handed down from Madrid have stirred nationalist sentiment.Polls indicate that parties supporting Basque self-determination are likely to be the biggest winners. The conservative Basque Nationalist Party, or PNV, which wants greater autonomy for the wealthy northern region looks set to win the biggest share, securing between 24-28 seats in the 75-seat parliament. Read more [...]
Jedes Jahr treffen sie einander im ehemaligen Galizien, um ihrer schmerzlichen Geschichte zu gedenken: Martin Pollack hat ein Festival der Lemken besucht.Rychwald, Bodnarka, Snitnytsya, Svyatkova, Ropytsya Ruska, Volovets' ... Burschen und Mädchen tragen Tafeln mit Namen von Orten, kyrillisch geschrieben, obwohl wir in Polen sind, im ehemaligen Galizien. Auf einer schmalen Schotterstraße ziehen sie zum Festgelände. Die bunten Trachten wirken fröhlich, doch die Ortsnamen rufen düstere Erinnerungen Read more [...]

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