Beiträge zum Nachhören HTML | Flash Deutschlandfunk Presseschau MP3 | Flash Sendezeit: 21.10.2012, 08:50 Deutschlandradio Kultur Kulturnachrichten MP3 | Flash Sendezeit: 21.10.2012, 09:30 DRadio Wissen ct´Online Talk: Netz-Ereignisse - Musik! Moneten! Macht! MP3 | Flash Sendezeit: 20.10.2012, 11:05 Read more [...]

Wybory w Hiszpanii. Kraj jest mocno podzielony

KOCHWORKSHOP: Iago PazosFür diesen Herbst hat das Instituto Cervantes Bremen in Zusammenarbeit mit der Bremer Volkshochschule vier Workshops zur regionalen spanischen Küche organisiert. Diese Workshops widmen sich vor allem der traditionellen Küche und der Marktküche folgender autonomer Regionen: Kastilien und León, dem Baskenland, Galizien und den Balearen. Im dritten Workshop, der von Iago Pazos geleitet wird, lernen wir die innovativen Spezialitäten des berühmten Restaurants Abastos 2.0 Read more [...]
n') newwin.document.close() } function changeFontSize(i) { tmp = document.getElementById('text'); tmpsize = parseInt( newsize = tmpsize + i; = newsize + 'px'; } function showHideService(iId) { var oService = document.getElementById('services'+iId); if( == 'block') { = 'none'; } else { = 'block'; } } function showHideCat(oObj,iId) { var oNewsContainer Read more [...]
21 October 2012 Last updated at 00:50 GMT By Tom Burridge BBC News, Madrid Mariano Rajoy has attended campaign meetings in Galicia Elections in the Spanish region of Galicia on Sunday will be a key test for Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, who has had a mixed start to his leadership of the country at the centre of the eurozone crisis. Read more [...]
The two elections are held 11 months after the People’s party led by Rajoy won an overall majority in the general elections last November.According to analysts, in Galicia, where Rajoy’s party has been in power for 24 years, this time it has a slim chance of winning an absolute majority in parliament due to the fact that many Spaniards are unhappy with the policy of belt-tightening, slashed social benefits and budget cuts.In the Basque Country, too, the voting may undermine the PM’s position. Read more [...]

On Sunday, people in Galicia in northwest of the country and Basque region will cast their votes on a single day of voting to elect local parliaments, city mayors and regional governors.According to experts, the vote in Galicia, which is one of the country’s 17 autonomous regions, has become a referendum on central government’s austerity policies.Regional elections in the Basque region including the northern city of Bilbao is said to be critical for Spanish authorities, since people in that Read more [...]
Det er innbyggerne i Galicia og Baskerland som denne helgen går til valgurnene for å stemme fram sine foretrukne kandidater til regionalforsamlingene. Valgene regnes som en lakmustest før Rajoys regjering eventuelt aksepterer en krisepakke i november.Fortsatt støtte til statsministerens konservative Partido Popular (PP) vil gjøre det lettere for ham å gjennomføre ytterligere budsjettkutt i det gjeldsrammede landet.- Dersom de beholder flertallet, vil Rajoys første budskap være at de kan Read more [...]
MADRID, Oct. 20 (Xinhua) -- The Spanish regions of Galicia and Euskadi (the Basque region) will hold the elections for their regional parliaments, in what can be seen as a test of public support for Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy.The two elections are held 11 months after the People's party (PP) led by Rajoy won an overall majority in the Spanish general elections last November. Rajoy and the PP used their majority to embark on a drastic austerity policy of spending cuts Read more [...]

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