Fishermen preparing to set sail from the port of Cadiz. (Photo: Terje Engoe) Galician fisheries and aquaculture socioeconomic importance confirmed SPAIN Tuesday, September 25, 2012, 04:10 (GMT + 9) A survey commissioned by the Galician government, through Read more [...]
estnct mst na Ostravsku nechalo ministerstvo ivotnho prosted provit dopravnmi experty.U esti z nich maj jasno. Tm okamit by mohla vyhlsit nzkoemisn znu a za smogu zakzat vjezd aut s vysokmi emisemi. Vybran msta o tom vak ani te, kdy zkon o ochran ovzdu, kter vyhlen zn upravuje, zaal platit, neuvauj. "Omezen dopravy by nemlo efekt. Problm bychom jen vytlaili do jinch ulic, kter jsou i te peten. Navc studie navrhuje jako nzkoemisn znu skoro plku Opavy vetn kateinskho sdlit. Lid, kte tam Read more [...]
Fishing vessels of the inshore fleet. (Photo: Terje Engoe) Scrapping of 36 inshore and offshore vessels authorised SPAIN Monday, September 24, 2012, 22:40 (GMT + 9) The Ministry of Rural and Marine Affairs of Xunta de Galicia received a total of 76 applications Read more [...]
Nel corso delle ultime ore il vortice depressionario denominato “Jenny” ha raggiunto i Paesi Baltici dispensando tempo instabile con acquazzoni sparsi; l'area depressionaria ha coinvolto anche buona parte della Svezia, la bassa Norvegia, la Finlandia e le pianure russe centro-settentrionali. Temporali sul Portogallo, sereno sulla Penisola balcanica - Pi ad Ovest, un secondo vortice depressionario denominato “Karin” ha agito sull'Oceano Atlantico interessando direttamente il Portogallo, la Read more [...]
NAFO fishing areas. EU delegates defend the European fleet's interest at NAFO annual meeting. (Photo: NAFO/Stock File/FIS) Fisheries sector looking forward to NAFO’s decisions SPAIN Friday, September 21, 2012, 23:50 (GMT + 9) The Galician fishing industry Read more [...]
Photo: Francisco Rodriguez Click Here to Enlarge Photo The Socialist mayor of this northwestern Spanish city, Francisco Rodriguez, was arrested Thursday on corruption charges. The leader of the Socialist Party in the Galicia region, Pachi Vazquez, told reporters he fully trusts in the justice system and in the innocence of the Orense mayor and that he wants to see the matter resolved as quickly as possible. Rodriguez is accused Read more [...]
MEXICO CITY, MEXICO The last time that Julieta ?ngel exercised was when she was a student. Now, the 72-year-old practices yoga twice a week at the F?brica de Artes y Oficios de Oriente, a center that has brought arts and culture to one of the most marginalized areas of Mexico City. I was afraid of yoga, ?ngel says. I heard the name, and it scared me [because] they say that there, you lose yourself, that you vanish. ?ngel learned about the unique cultural center when she brought her grandchildren Read more [...]
La apuesta de Apple por confiarle los mapas de su sistema operativo iOS 6 a terceros le est costando bastantes crticas. Tras la ltima actualizacin del sistema que utilizan los mviles y tabletas de la compaa, muchos usuarios se han quejado de la falta de informacin en las bsquedas o de que se le proporcion datos errneos. El problema reside en que Apple ha renunciado a servirse de Google Maps para su sistema operativo y recurrir a empresas como TomTom. Por Internet ya est triunfando un Read more [...]
Sales of packaged fish products at a supermarket. (Photo: Terje Engoe) Active packaging use to preserve fishery products analysed SPAIN Friday, September 21, 2012, 02:40 (GMT + 9) Starting this Friday, the Marine Technology Centre- Cetmar Foundation is organizing Read more [...]
The Socialist mayor of this northwestern Spanish city, Francisco Rodriguez, was arrested Thursday on corruption charges.The leader of the Socialist Party in the Galicia region, Pachi Vazquez, told reporters he fully trusts in the justice system and in the innocence of the Orense mayor and that he wants to see the matter resolved as quickly as possible.Rodriguez is accused of influence-peddling, fraudulent conveyance and laundering assets, sources close to the investigation told Efe.The mayor's Read more [...]

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