Fishing vessels of the inshore fleet. (Photo: Terje Engoe)

Scrapping of 36 inshore and offshore vessels authorised


Monday, September 24, 2012, 22:40 (GMT + 9)

The Ministry of Rural and Marine Affairs of Xunta de Galicia received a total of 76 applications to proceed to the scrapping of fishing vessels during 2012, of which 36 were accepted.

Out of the total number of vessels authorised, nine boats belong to the offshore fleet and the rest (27 boats) to the inshore one.

This is the figure given in the rules of the call for aid for the permanent cessation of activity – or scrapping – carried out by the Ministry, acting under the National Decommissioning Plan 2012 funded by the European Fisheries Fund (EFF).

According to the available data, the port of Vigo is the one having the highest number of scrapped vessels in the offshore and those of deeper draft.

The Government accepted the applications for aids for scrapping three bottom trawlers and two surface longliners based in the port in Vigo, La Opinión reported.

The rest of the inshore vessels in this sector correspond to ships from A Coruña and from Malpica, and to those from Lugo based in O Celeiro and in Burela.

However, the majority of the scrapped vessels will be those of coastal fisheries.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Marine Affairs accepted 27 applications for the coastal fleet:

  • 14 vessels from ports of A Coruña;
  • 12 vessels of Pontevedra;
  • 2 boats of Lugo.

The port terminal that will have the most scrapped vessels in Galicia will be Cangas do Morrazo, with five authorised scrapping applications.

Further back stands the port of Cambados, with four accepted applications; and then the ports of O Grove and Sanxenxo.

Last July, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Magrama) granted approximately EUR 1.8 million to Galicia for financing the aids for the permanent cessation under the EFF, out of the total of EUR 10 million distributed among the different coastal autonomies for this purpose.

These aids may be the last ones if finally the European Union (EU) carries out the idea to stop subsidizing the scrapping process, as envisaged in the ongoing process of reform of the fisheries policy.

By Analia Murias



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