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Madrid, 11-08-2012Migliaia di ettari di vegetazione distrutti, parchi naturali bruciati e l'evacuazione di centinaia tra abitanti e turisti sono il risultato di una serie di incendi che, complice l'ondata di caldo e il vento, stanno devastando la Spagna e la Grecia.Nella penisola iberica ad essere colpite sono soprattutto le Canarie e la Galizia, mentre in Grecia le preoccupazioni sono per il Monte Athos dove e' in fiamme la foresta che circonda l'importante communita' monastica ortodossa.In Spagna,
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
MADRID (AFP) - Wildfires raged Saturday on Spain's Canary Islands, as hundreds of firefighters also battled a blaze near Greece's Mount Athos, a World Heritage site housing an ancient monastic community.Hundreds of hectares were in flames in Spain as a pitiless heatwave showed no signs of relenting after the most devastating fires of the decade had been nearly tamed before re-erupting on La Gomera in the Canaries.Forest fires that broke out a week ago have already ravaged some 3,000 hectares (7,400
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
Wildfires raged Saturday in Spain's Canary Islands and in mainland Galicia, as hundreds fought a blaze near Mount Athos in Greece, a UN Heritage Site housing the world's oldest monastic community.
Hundreds of hectares were again in flames in Spain as a pitiless heatwave showed no signs of relenting after the most devastating fires of the decade had been nearly tamed before re-erupting on La Gomera in the Canaries.
Forest fires that broke out a week ago have already ravaged some 3,000
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
Wildfires raged Saturday in Spain's Canary Islands and in mainland Galicia, as hundreds fought a blaze near Mount Athos in Greece, a UN Heritage Site housing the world's oldest monastic community.Hundreds of hectares were again in flames in Spain as a pitiless heatwave showed no signs of relenting after the most devastating fires of the decade had been nearly tamed before re-erupting on La Gomera in the Canaries.Forest fires that broke out a week ago have already ravaged some 3,000 hectares
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Filed Under DE | Прокоментуй!
NZZ Online, 11. August 2012 16:46:00
Rauchwolken zeigen den neuen Brandherd an.
(Bild: Keystone / EPA)
Spanien sthnt unter einer lang andauernden Hitzewelle. Das fhrt vielerorts zu Waldbrnden. Nun ist ein Naturpark auf der Kanaren-Insel Gomera zum zweiten Mal bedroht. Auch auf Teneriffa und in Galizien brennt es.
(sda/afp/dpa) Ein eigentlich als eingedmmt geltender Waldbrand auf der spanischen Ferieninsel Gomera ist wieder
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
Stubbornly high temperatures of over 40 degrees Centigrade (104 degrees Fahrenheit) have already ravaged some 3,000 hectares (7,400 acres) of land on La Gomera, since fires broke out last week. About one-tenth of the Garajonay national park, a UNESCO World Heritage site was affected.
"The fires are still burning on three fronts," an emergency services spokesman said. "There is no positive change for the moment."
Aircraft started dropping water again as blazes erupted anew in Garajonay,
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
Hundreds of hectares were again in flames in Spain's Canary Islands and mainland Galicia region Saturday as a pitiless heatwave showed no signs of letting up.
The most devastating fires of the past decade had been close to being brought under control before storming back to life on La Gomera in the Canaries.
Forest fires that broke out a week ago have already ravaged some 3,000 hectares (7,400 acres) of land on La Gomera, including about one-tenth of the Garajonay nature reserve,
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Filed Under IT | Прокоментуй!
In questa pagina è attivo il servizio ZanTip. Facendo doppio click su una qualsiasi parola presente nell'articolo, sarà vocalizzata la pronuncia corretta e visualizzata la definizione della parola e i suoi sinonimi e contrari, così come sono stati pubblicati all'interno dei Dizionari Zanichelli. Per ogni parola verranno citati anche i proverbi che la contengono. La stessa parola è presente infine nel lemmario Italiano-Inglese del Ragazzini (Dizionario di inglese), per cui ne sarà proposta
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
Hundreds of hectares were again in flames in Spain's Canary Islands and mainland Galicia region Saturday as a pitiless heatwave showed no signs of letting up.The most devastating fires of the past decade had been close to being brought under control before storming back to life on La Gomera in the Canaries.Forest fires that broke out a week ago have already ravaged some 3,000 hectares (7,400 acres) of land on La Gomera, including about one-tenth of the Garajonay nature reserve, a UNESCO World
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
AFP - Spanish authorities ordered new evacuations overnight as a forest fire raged on the Canary island of La Gomera as well as in the northern Galicia region, emergency services said Saturday.
The fires had been close to being brought under control after already ravaging an area of some 3,000 hectares (7,400 acres) on La Gomera, including part of the Garajonay natural reserve, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
"The villages of La Hayas, Arure and Guada, in the west of the island, had to be evacuated
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