Pubblicato il 17/08/12 Pratica di Mare (TMNews) - Sequestro in alto mare: sembra il titolo di un film d'azione, ma è in realtà l'esito di un'operazione congiunta della Guardia di finanza e della polizia spagnola, che ha portato a bloccare, in pieno oceano Atlantico, tre tonnellate di cocaina purissima proveniente dal Sud America e destinata allo smercio in tutta Europa attraverso i porti della Galizia. I narcos avevano base a Madrid, si rifornivano in Colombia. operavano insieme a un gruppo bulgaro Read more [...]
Tre tonnellate di cocaina purissima proveniente dal Sud America sono stati sequestrate in pieno Oceano Atlantico in un'operazione congiunta della Guardia di Finanza (GdF) italiana e della polizia spagnola. La nave era diretta sulle coste della Galizia, la droga sarebbe poi stata distribuita in tutta Europa. Complessivamente 31 i narcotrafficanti arrestati, riferisce una nota del Comando generale della GdF.L'imbarcazione è stata localizzata di notte grazie a speciali Read more [...]
L'OPERAZIONE Un blitz di Gdf e polizia spagnola, a 50 miglia dalle coste portoghesi. 31 le persone arrestate. Nel mirino un'organizzazione con base a Madrid, in contatto con un gruppo di bulgari. La droga doveva arrivare in Galizia ed essere distribuita in tutta Europa Read more [...]
British campsite ‘groper’ faces eight years in Spain December 12, 2011 | Andalucia, Granada The victim woke to find the man touching her genitals God’s own Banksy in Barcelona May 21, 2012 | La Cultura, Lead, National News Spain’s very own Michelangelo tarts up Barcelona church – but it’s not graffiti, he claims Baby snatch July 26, 2012 | News in Brief An Irish baby boy who was sat in a car when it was stolen from a supermarket in Benalmadena has been reunited Read more [...]
n') newwin.document.close() } function changeFontSize(i) { tmp = document.getElementById('text'); tmpsize = parseInt( newsize = tmpsize + i; = newsize + 'px'; } function showHideService(iId) { var oService = document.getElementById('services'+iId); if( == 'block') { = 'none'; } else { = 'block'; } } function showHideCat(oObj,iId) { var oNewsContainer Read more [...]
Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A. (GGAL) Q2 2012 Earnings CallSee if (GGAL) is in our portfolioAugust 15, 2012 11:00 AM ETExecutivesPablo Firvida – Head, IRAnalystsNicolas Chialva – Itaú BBAPhillip Rowe – GWI Asset ManagementFederico Rey – Raymond JamesPresentationOperatorWelcome to the Grupo Financiero Galicia Second Quarter Earnings Release Conference Call. This call is being recorded.At Read more [...]
The Evanston Community Foundation has funded a partnership this summer between the Evanston Public Library and the Youth Job Center to help provide basic literacy skills to Evanston 4-and-5-year-olds to prepare them for kindergarten. The program, called ABC Boosters, has been in operation at the Fleetwood Jourdain Community Center and at the Robert Crown Community Center. Two kindergarten teachers from Willard Elementary School, Lara Galicia and Maria Read more [...]
Spanish authorities seized three tons of cocaine off a ship near the port of Cádiz. (Courtesy of Spanish Interior Ministry) MADRID, Spain - Police arrested 31 suspects connected to an international drug ring and seized three tons of cocaine from a merchant ship off Spain's southern coast, the Interior Ministry said on Aug. 15. Spanish police boarded the vessel about 80 kilometers (50 miles) off the port of Cádiz, and seized more than 100 cocaine packages on Aug. Read more [...]
At 15, Inocente Izucar Galicia had led a life few of us could ever imagine. For nine years, she lived with secrets she never shared with anyone at her school in San Diego, Calif. – she was undocumented and homeless. She says she blamed herself that her father was deported for domestic abuse. Her mother of four once took her by the hand to jump off a bridge together in order to put an end to the misery. It was Inocente who saved them. No matter how devastating things got, Inocente still looks Read more [...]
Two more Bulgarians have been arrested after the seizure of three tonnes of cocaine on a merchant ship off southern Spain, including the suspected mastermind, the Bulgarian government said Thursday.All 21 Bulgarian sailors on the Bulgaria-owned Saint Nikolay boarded 80 kilometres (50 miles) off Cadiz on Wednesday were arrested, plus six Colombians in Madrid and four Spaniards in the north-western region of Galicia, Spanish officials said.Bulgaria's interior ministry confirmed the arrests on Read more [...]

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