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  Picture: FOCUS News Agency

Bulgaria to provide regular consular protection to Bulgarians arrested in Spain


Madrid. Police arrested 31 people connected to an international drug ring and seized three tonnes of cocaine from a merchant ship off Spain’s southern coast, the interior ministry said Wednesday, AFP informed
Spanish police boarded the vessel Monday, some 80 kilometres (50 miles) off the port of Cadiz, and seized over 100 cocaine packages, the ministry said in a statement.
“At the same time, police detained those responsible for sending and collecting the drugs on land,” it added.
“The shipment, managed by a Colombian group from Madrid, was loaded on the ship in South America by an organisation of Bulgarian nationals.”
The ministry did not say which South American country was the source of the cocaine shipment.
Police detained 21 Bulgarians on the ship, six Colombians in Madrid and four Spaniards in the northwestern region of Galicia.
The authorities suspect the drugs were to be shipped overland from Galicia to Madrid.
Spain is the main gateway to Europe for cocaine from Latin America and for cannabis from neighbouring Morocco. Police regularly make large seizures.

Bulgaria to provide regular consular protection to Bulgarians arrested in Spain
Sofia. Bulgaria’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs is to take the regular actions, as provided under the law, connected to the provision of consular protection to the Bulgarian nationals arrested in Spain, the press office of the ministry announced for FOCUS News Agency.
Stray dogs watchdog in Bulgaria capital to report on work done in July
Sofia. Municipal company Ecoravnovesie, which is in charge of regulating the population of stray dogs on the territory of Bulgarian capital city Sofia, is to present a report on the work done in June, the press office of Sofia Municipality announced for FOCUS News Agency.
Bulgarian State Railways to present first video surveillance system in diesel locomotive
Sofia. The Bulgarian State Railways (BDZ) – Freight Services EOOD is to present Thursday the first video surveillance system installed in a diesel locomotive, the press office of the company announced.

of the day 35

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