Remains of nets and fishing gear. (Photo: Lia Russo)

Galicia is committed to fish waste cost-effective management


Friday, August 10, 2012, 16:20 (GMT + 9)

Through Ports of Galicia, the Ministry for Rural and Marine Affairs of Xunta de Galicia began to develop the project ‘Cerco’ for profitable and sustainable management of fish waste.

This initiative is carried out under the trans-border cooperation programme between Spain and Portugal, PocTec.

The community of Galicia and of the northern area of Portugal are collaborating in this project, the regional government reported.

The main objective of ‘Cerco’ is to develop activities in order to promote fishing waste recycling business, such as fishing nets and gear.

The proponents of the measure plan to set up a cooperation network between the two territories for fishing waste collection, delivery and sales.

“Thus, a new management model will be created so as to contribute to the generation of new jobs with a high ecological value and to the reduction of the environmental impact generated by abandoned, lost or discarded fishing gear by the users,” adds the Galician Executive.

Furthermore, the project also includes:

  • Energy efficiency among its lines of work;
  • Reduced consumption of oil products;
  • Commitment to recycling so as to extend material life and reduce environmental impact.

In addition, the implementation of the project ‘Cerco’ involves training activities and forums, the development of a business guideline that includes the viability of the project in each port, and the performance of waste management and exploitation pilot testing in fishing ports.

It is also intended to promote energy efficiency and define the collection points in the port area.

Related article:

Marine-port waste recovery and recycling system introduced

By Analia Murias




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