Dennis Doyle / Getty ImagesA horse rears its head as it's rounded up on the eve of the Rapa Das Bestas or "Shearing of the Beasts" festival on July 6, 2012 in Sabucedo, Spain.During the first weekend of July hundreds of wild horses are rounded up, trimmed and groomed in different villages in the northwestern Spanish region of Galicia as part of a 400-year-old festival call Rapa das Bestas or “Shearing of the Beasts.”Miguel Riopa / AFP - Getty ImagesA villager rounds up wild horses on the hills Read more [...]
BY CLAUDIA RODEN SEPARATED FROM THE REST of Spain by high mountains, Galicia was, until a few decades ago, entirely isolated and the country's poorest region. The only way out of poverty was emigration. That is why Galician empanadas—square pieces cut from a large, crusty pie—are among the most widespread snacks all over Spain and as far away as Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela and Cuba, where Galician emigrants opened restaurants and bars. Elsewhere the small turnover-type versions, Read more [...]
La politique et les tensions n'ont pas tardé à reprendre leurs droits en Ukraine. "Trois jours après la fin de l'Euro", se lamente l'hebdomadaire Den, le pays est secoué par des manifestations, à Kiev, en Galicie, dans le Donbass et en Crimée. Les participants sont peu nombreux, mais la réaction des autorités est violente. L'enjeu : la loi qui accorderait au russe un quasi-statut de deuxième langue nationale, que le pouvoir s'est empressé de faire voter dans le sillage de l'Euro. Read more [...]
12th Century Spanish Artefact Recovered from Handyman's Garage Friday, Jul. 6, 2012 Posted: 8:00:35PM HKT The Codex Calixtinus, believed to be the first guide of the pilgrimage route to Santiago in Spain, was found Wednesday in a handyman's garage after being stolen more than a year ago from a cathedral.Police arrested four people in the town of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia suspected to have been involved in the theft. The Read more [...]
El Ministerio de Economía quiere cerrar cuanto antes la reestructuración del sector bancario español, el principal tumor de una economía española con escasos latidos de solvencia. Sin embargo, esas prisas provocan decisiones cuanto menos llamativas. Una de ellas es que el Banco de España ha encargado la auditoria de Novagalicia a KPMG, la firma que en su día fue contratada por la Xunta de Galicia para validar la fallida fusión de Caixa Galicia y Caixanova. KPMG recibió el encargo Read more [...]
Wir lieben die Berge. Daher interessieren uns auch die Häuser, die dort stehen. Das Casa Baltanás in Galizien ist ein wunderschönes Beispiel eines modernen Berghauses, das trotz seiner Andersartigkeit perfekt in das Dorf und in die Landschaft passt. Architektur: Carlos Quintáns Eiras. Dieses schöne, schlichte Berghaus steht in Paderne, einem galizischen Dorf, und passt in seiner modernen Selbstverständlichkeit perfekt in die Umgebung. Wie die umliegenden traditionellen Häuser und Hütten Read more [...]
Fri Jul 6, 2012 3:00am IST * Central bank orders biggest banks to lend to companies * Interest rates seen well below inflation* Banks must grant new loans before Dec. 31* Banco Macro, Galicia shares take a diveBUENOS AIRES, July 5 (Reuters) - Argentine banks must offer to lend companies 15 billion pesos ($3.3 billion) by the end of the year at rates well below private inflation estimates, a central bank statement said on Thursday.The central bank's statement comes Read more [...]
The following companies are having unusual price changes in Argentine trading. Stock symbols are in parentheses and share prices are as of 3:49 p.m. in Buenos Aires. The Merval (MERVAL) index fell 2.4 percent to 2,369.11. Banco Macro SA (BMA) , Argentina’s largest lender by market share, slumped 7.2 percent to 8.25 pesos, its biggest drop since October on a closing basis. Bank stocks fell today after the government said it plans to force financial institutions to provide loans for corporate Read more [...]
GALICIA, Spain, July 5 (UPI) -- An electrician at a cathedral in northwest Spain was arrested on suspicion of stealing a 12th-century document valued at more than $49,500, officials said. Authorities said the Calixtine Code, a 12th-century pilgrims' guide, had been stolen from from the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, thinkSpain reported. The guide and other artifacts from the temple, including coins, were found in the electrician's garage, authorities said. ThinkSpain said his Read more [...]
Thiago Alcntara no podr competir en los Juegos Olmpicos de Londres, que comenzarn el prximo 27 de julio. Las ltimas pruebas fsicas a las que fue sometido el centrocampista del Barcelona en su tibia derecha revelan que no est en condiciones de poder competir en la gran cita deportiva. El hijo del mtico Mazinho no ha superado al cien por cien el edema seo y los mdicos del club le han recomendado que descanse para que recupere su nivel de cara a la prxima temporada, que se antoja complicada Read more [...]

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