European biologists have discovered a new species of squat lobster in the underwater mountains facing the Galician coast, Spain. Artist’s impression of the new squat lobster Uroptychus cartesi (K. Baba / E. Macpherson / SINC) According to a paper in the journal Zootaxa, the new squat lobster called Uroptychus cartesi belongs to the Chirostylidae family and is one of the mere four species that live in Europe. Three of them were discovered at the end of the 19th century and the fourth in Read more [...]
By Ben Vickers  | June 14, 2012 4:04 AM EDT | Posted in austerity, bailouts, debt, economics, euro, Spain | 0 Comments The European debt crisis may empty out schools in farming communities in northwestern Spain. Children aged between six and twelve will be grouped together in schools in the Read more [...]
Pinoy filmmakers Jet Leyco THE NETHERLANDS - Pinoy filmmakers Jet Leyco and Joanna Vasquez Arong have been selected as two of the 19 recipients of the Hubert Bals Fund (HBF). The Hubert Bals Fund of the International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR), in a press release, announced the awardees of the 260,000-euro Spring 2012 Selection Round grants for script development, digital production, post-production or workshops. The projects are from filmmakers from Asian, African, Latin-American and Read more [...]
The Galician club want to secure the services of the Villarreal youth academy graduate and are willing to add Roberto Lago as a makeweight in the deal. Los Celestes want to secure the services of Jonathan Pereira as they make their return to Spanish top flight football after a long hiatus. The Spanish forward has managed a decent return of 12 goals from 44 competitive appearances in Segunda Division and heads the list of reinforcements forwarded by Paco Herrera. It was earlier thought Read more [...]
Chalet Roxxann Evarista Torres and Kendall Ty Insall, both of Pittsburg announce their engagement. The bride-elect is a graduate of the 2007 Chapel Hill High School. Her parents are Carmelo Galicia Torres of Mt.Pleasant and the late Sherri Villeda. Her grandparents are Carolyn Sylva of Rison, Ark., Dave Hinkley of Payette, Idaho and the late Silverio and Evarista Torres.The groom-elect is a 2008 graduate of Pittsburg High School, and works as a welder at Read more [...]
ScienceDaily (June 13, 2012) — Despite Europe's marine fauna being the best documented on Earth, there are still some new species to be discovered. This is the case of Uroptychus cartesi, a crab between 5 cm and 7 cm in size found at more than 1400 deep in the underwater mountains facing the Galician coast (Spain). Its closest relative can be found in the Caribbean Sea. During one of the expeditions of the research campaign INDEMARES that studies the Banco de Galicia underwater Read more [...]
ScienceDaily (June 13, 2012) — Despite Europe's marine fauna being the best documented on Earth, there are still some new species to be discovered. This is the case of Uroptychus cartesi, a crab between 5 cm and 7 cm in size found at more than 1400 deep in the underwater mountains facing the Galician coast (Spain). Its closest relative can be found in the Caribbean Sea. During one of the expeditions of the research campaign INDEMARES that studies the Banco de Galicia underwater Read more [...]
Für kristallklares warmes Wasser und feinen weißen Sandstrand müssen Sie nicht auf die Malediven fliegen. Wir haben drei Traumbuchten auf Mallorca, Galizien und Sardinien gefunden, die noch echte Geheimtipps sind. Wo diese genau liegen, verraten wir ihnen hier! Traumhaft: Die Bucht Cala Coticcio Bucht auf Sardinien Ein Infinity-Pool der Natur Die tief eingeschnittene Bucht Cala Santanyi liegt so geschützt, dass praktisch nie hohe Wellen und starke Winde aufkommen. Vom 100 Meter breiten Sandstrand Read more [...]
Commentary By William Kemble-Diaz Galicia is one of Spain’s most rural regions, better known for its seafood and meat, but it is also the home of one of the world’s biggest commercial success stories: Inditex. While the rest of the Spanish economy burns in the wake of a massive real estate-driven boom and bust Read more [...]
Inditex, colosso dell'abbigliamento spagnolo cui fanno capo Zara, Pull and Bear, Massimo Dutti, Bershka, Stradivarius, Oysho, Zara Home e Uterqüe, ha chiuso il primo trimestre 2012 (periodo dal primo febbraio al 30 aprile) con ricavi netti in crescitadel 15% a quota 3,4 miliardi di euro e un utile in salita del 30% a 432 milioni (erano 332 lo stesso periodo dello scorso anno). Durante i primi tre mesi dell'anno la società ha tenuto a battesimo 91 nuovi negozi. Al 30 di aprile il numero Read more [...]

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