12:54 pm by Brad Lemaire Edgewater Exploration (CVE:EDW) entered Monday into a $120 million project financing agreement with Credit Suisse AG (NYSE:CS) and Barclays Bank Plc (NYSE:BCS) to develop its Corcoesto gold project, in Galicia Spain. "This is a major milestone for Edgewater to be able to arrange a substantial portion of the estimated $160 million capital needed for the Corcoesto gold project," chief executive George Read more [...]
Edgewater Exploration Ltd. ("Edgewater" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:EDW)(OTCQX:EDWZF) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a mandate letter with two lenders for up to $120 million of project financing to develop the Corcoesto Gold Project, Galicia Spain. The lending group is comprised of Credit Suisse AG and Barclays Bank PLC. "This is a major milestone for Edgewater to be able to arrange a very substantial portion of the estimated Read more [...]
The sharp decline in sardine catches caused a price increase. (Photo: Juan Murias) Sharp decline in sardine catches SPAIN Monday, June 18, 2012, 23:10 (GMT + 9) The Technology Platform of Fisheries under the Ministry of Marine Affairs of Xunta de Galicia, Read more [...]

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17 giugno 2012 L’Uroptychus cartesi. Una nuova specie di crostaceo è stata scoperta nei fondali della Galizia, in una montagna sottomarina, al largo della costa nord-occidentale spagnola. Questo nuovo esemplare di “granchio eremita”, lungo poco più di cinque centimetri, è stato scoperto ad una profondità di 1.410 metri, sul Banco de Galicia, nell’agosto del 2011, dal gruppo di ricerca INDEMARES.  Lo studio, con tutti i dettagli del ritrovamento, Read more [...]
Valdesil Montenovo Godello, Valdeorras, Spain 2010 (£9.99, or £7.99 if you buy two bottles, Majestic) The northwestern province of Galicia is the source of many of Spain's best whites and most restaurants and wine merchants these days stock an albariño or two from Rías Baixas. Rather less well-known but easily on a par in terms of quality, are wines made from the godello grape in Galicia's Valdeorras region, of which this bottle, with its orchard fruit and graceful acidity, is a great example.Les Read more [...]
SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, 15 (EUROPA PRESS) El presidente de la Xunta, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, ha constatado este viernes los avances en la "alianza estratégica" con Pemex y ha anunciado la celebración, antes del próximo 10 de julio, de un encuentro bilateral de construcción naval entre astilleros gallegos y mexicanos, con participación de la petrolera y de la Xunta de Galicia. Feijóo se ha reunido este viernes con el consejero delegado de Pemex Internacional España, José Manuel Carrera, Read more [...]
MADRID, 15 (EUROPA PRESS) La crisis económica está retrasando la implantación de nuevos aparatos de cirugía robótica en España, según han explicado los expertos en el LXXVII Congreso Nacional de Urología de la Asociación Española de Urología (AEU) que se está celebrando estos días en Vigo (Pontevedra). Ejemplo de ello es que ningún hospital de Galicia cuente con ella, afirman. Sin embargo, esta técnica sí se está empleando en 25 hospitales españoles para tratar los tumores Read more [...]
Case in point: Uroptychus cartesi, a new species of crab found at a depth of more than 1 410 meters on the underwater mountain Banco de Galicia, just off the Galician coast in Spain. The newly discovered crab measures between just 5 cm and 7 cm. The deep-sea finding was made as part of the INDEMARES ('Inventory and designation of marine Natura 2000 areas in the Spanish sea') project. INDEMARES is partly funded to the tune of EUR 7.7 million by the European Commission, as part of the Read more [...]
The following companies are having unusual price changes in Argentine trading. Stock symbols are in parentheses, and share prices are as of 2:35 p.m. in Buenos Aires. The Merval (MERVAL) index gained 2.4 percent to 2,243.47, the highest level on a closing basis in June. Grupo Financiero Galicia SA (GGAL) rose 2.1 percent to 2.89 pesos. Argentina’s largest consumer lender gained in line with global stocks as investors are “optimistic that groups that favor austerity measures will win elections Read more [...]

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