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Il cammino del penitente
Fortes Susana
286 p., rilegato
€ 16,50
Prezzo IBS
€ 14,03
Narrativa Nord
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
By Paul Day and Clare Kane
MADRID, June 22 |
Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:49pm IST
MADRID, June 22 (Reuters) - A flamenco troupe bursts into a
bank branch in Seville in southern Spain, lampooning bankers in
dance and song. Further north, in Galicia, 50 men dressed in
prison garb march into a bank shouting slogans against costly
state bailouts for lenders.
In Barcelona and Madrid, a growing organisation of elderly
protesters stage regular "occupations" of
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
Focus: Broadcast
TV Galicia Chooses Chyron HyperX³.¹ On-Air Graphics Systems for Major HD Studio UpgradeHyperX³.¹ Integrates Smoothly With Existing Chyron Graphics Environment to Bring New Levels of Graphics
Chyron today announced that Televisión de Galicia (TVG), Spain's only Galician-language broadcaster, has installed two of the company's HyperX³.¹ on-air graphics systems as part of a major HD studio upgrade at its central broadcasting facility
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
Focus: Broadcast
TV Galicia Chooses Chyron HyperX³.¹ On-Air Graphics Systems for Major HD Studio UpgradeHyperX³.¹ Integrates Smoothly With Existing Chyron Graphics Environment to Bring New Levels of Graphics
Chyron today announced that Televisión de Galicia (TVG), Spain's only Galician-language broadcaster, has installed two of the company's HyperX³.¹ on-air graphics systems as part of a major HD studio upgrade at its central broadcasting facility
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Grande debutto internazionale di due giovani zampognari di Scapoli in Spagna. Pasquale Franciosa e Andrea di Fiore si sono esibiti con successo sabato 16 giugno nellambito della XXVII Xuntanza Internacional de Gaiteros tenutasi a Ourense, in Galizia, nella splendida cornice del Castello
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
Nombre: Francisca Barracel Fernndez. Hija de Toms y Consuelo. Nacida en Allariz, el 18-06-1902. Eso son los datos que se pueden leer en el DNI de la ourensana que, en estos momentos, es tambin la mujer ms longeva de Galicia.
Su descubrimiento surge precisamente tras el cambio en la lista de supercentenarios (ms de 105 aos) que elabora Emilio Ibez y otros dos gerontlogos, y que es el nico registro de este tipo con datos cotejados. Tal y como inform La Voz el 16 de junio, ese rnking coloc
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
--Argentine stocks and bonds fall on local truckers strike, global economic fears
--Tenaris, Grupo Galicia most traded stocks
--Peso little changed against the U.S. dollar
BUENOS AIRES--Argentine stocks and bonds fell Thursday on concern about the implications of a debilitating truck drivers' strike and renewed fears of economic problems in Europe and the U.S.
The Merval index fell 1.7% to 2311.43 in volume totaling ARS45.5 million ($8.9 million).
The steel producer Tenaris
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Filed Under DE | Прокоментуй!
Urlaub in As Neves, Pontevedra – Thema Unterkunft:
Eine Finca in As Neves – ein Ferienhaus in As Neves – eine Ferienwohnung in As Neves oder ein Hotel in As Neves
Spanien ist ein ideales Urlaubsziel für jede Reiseart. In Spanien am populärsten ist der Urlaub am Meer. Hier bucht man Strandvillen und Strandwohnungen. Die bekannten Kulturstädte in Spanien bieten sich für Kulturreisen an. Auf www.spanien-netz.com finden sich eine verfügbare Unterkunft im Ferienhaus oder Hotel
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Filed Under DE | Прокоментуй!
Urlaub in As Neves, Pontevedra – Thema Unterkunft:
Eine Finca in As Neves – ein Ferienhaus in As Neves – eine Ferienwohnung in As Neves oder ein Hotel in As Neves
Spanien ist ein ideales Urlaubsziel für jede Reiseart. In Spanien am populärsten ist der Urlaub am Meer. Hier bucht man Strandvillen und Strandwohnungen. Die bekannten Kulturstädte in Spanien bieten sich für Kulturreisen an. Auf www.spanien-netz.com finden sich eine verfügbare Unterkunft im Ferienhaus oder Hotel
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
La Xunta prepara en Tui un proyecto para extender las plantaciones de cerezos con fines forestales. Gracias a un convenio de colaboracin entre Medio Rural y la Fundacin Paideia Galiza se desarrolla esta medida, por la que crecen en Areas 5.000 rboles. En la zona se cuidan estos ejemplares de Prunus Avium,q ue se reproducen por el sistema de mircorpropagacin o cultivo in vitro a partir de clones seleccionados por su crecimiento y resistencia a enfermedades.
Buena parte de estos cerezos
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