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TUNISI – Fiumi di droga prodotta in Marocco stanno invadendo il Portogallo, e quindi presumibilmente il resto d'Europa: tutto grazie a dei piccoli aeroporti non controllati dalla polizia portoghese e che stanno facendo la fortuna dei trafficanti.
La denuncia, che è anche un durissimo atto d'accusa contro la polizia portoghese, accusata di inefficienza, è contenuta in un reportage del canale televisivo lusitano Rtp, secondo cui i narcotrafficanti utilizzano vecchi aerodromi e piste nei boschi,
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VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - June 12, 2012) - Edgewater Exploration Ltd. ("Edgewater" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:EDW)(OTCQX:EDWZF) is pleased to announce that the Galician Government is advancing the Corcoesto Gold Project as a "Strategic Industrial Project". This new process is part of the recently approved Industrial Promotion Act of Galicia, created in order to promote investment and new jobs in Galicia. The Corcoesto Gold Project being accepted in the process of a Strategic
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Edgewater Exploration Ltd. ("Edgewater" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:EDW)(OTCQX:EDWZF) is pleased to announce that the Galician Government is advancing the Corcoesto Gold Project as a "Strategic Industrial Project". This new process is part of the recently approved Industrial Promotion Act of Galicia, created in order to promote investment and new jobs in Galicia. The Corcoesto Gold Project being accepted in the process of a Strategic Industrial Project means
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Edgewater Exploration Ltd. ("Edgewater" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:EDW)(OTCQX:EDWZF) is pleased to announce that the Galician Government is advancing the Corcoesto Gold Project as a "Strategic Industrial Project". This new process is part of the recently approved Industrial Promotion Act of Galicia, created in order to promote investment and new jobs in Galicia. The Corcoesto Gold Project being accepted in the process of a Strategic Industrial Project means
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Matthew Lynn's London Eye
How tiny Finland could bring euro crisis to end
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Alla scoperta della "capitale" ucraina del multiculturalismo Leopoli - Chi arrivasse a Leopoli dal confine polacco, alla ricerca di scampoli di Unione Sovietica o delle atmosfere grigie e plumbee dell’Est Europa degli anni del post-soviet, rimarrebbe profondamente deluso. Nel capoluogo galiziano - fondato a metà del 13° secolo all’incrocio di due importanti vie commerciali (una che attraverso i Balcani portava fino alla Grecia, l’altra che univa il Nord Europa alla Persia) dal
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Anche all'estero si brinda al ritorno della Stella nella "vecchia" C1
Lega Pro
- 12/06/2012 08:30
Novantatré minuti interminabili. Tanto è durato l’agonia dei tifosi della Paganese. Dei tanti che hanno seguito la magica stella fino a Chieti macinando chilometri e di quelli che invece sono rimasti a casa, incollati al computer, elemosinando ogni misera e, a volte, imprecisa, notizia in un tam-tam da calcio passato.
Dal Libano alla Germania
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Friday, June 8Day shiftMatthew Eaker, 23, of the 100 bock of Galicia, Tularosa, was arrested on a New Mexico Department of Corrections order for an alleged probation violation. He was incarcerated at the Otero County Detention Center pending his appearance in court.An auto burglary was reported by a resident of the 2400 block of Wyatt Way. Sometime between 10 p.m. June 7 and 5 p.m. June 8, someone entered her unsecured 2012 Mitsubishi while it was parked in the driveway and removed a large black
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The Irish Times - Tuesday, June 12, 2012Mariano Rajoy: just when the Spanish needed open leadership, he chose the well-worn path of obfuscation.Photograph: Denis DoylePADDY WOODWORTHMARIANO RAJOY, leader of the conservative Partido Popular, has long been said by his colleagues to have “the skin of a rhinoceros”.Were they Irish, they might compare his neck to a certain part of a jockey’s anatomy.He presents a public image of impenetrable guile, or retranca, for which his native Galicia is perhaps
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Shellfish from Galicias estuaries. (Photo: Juan Murias)
Shellfish season begins with low prices
Tuesday, June 12, 2012, 03:20 (GMT + 9)
The shellfish industry of the Vigo estuary resumed the activity after having stopped for almost two months but the
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