HyperX³·¹ Integrates Smoothly With Existing Chyron Graphics
Environment to Bring New Levels of Graphics Sophistication
to Programming

LONDON – June 20, 2012 – Chyron today announced that
Televisión de Galicia (TVG), Spain’s only
Galician-language broadcaster, has installed two of the
company’s HyperX³·¹ on-air graphics systems as part of
a major HD studio upgrade at its central broadcasting
facility in Santiago de Compostela.

“As a committed Chyron customer for many years, we
rely on several key Chyron solutions in both our studios
and OB trucks for news and sports production, as well as
other types of daily programming. Therefore, when it came
time to upgrade our graphics capabilities, HyperX³·¹ was
the natural choice,” said Antonio Posse, technical and
engineering manager, TVG. “Instant compatibility with
the rest of our environment, plus the support and technical
expertise from Clearcom, Chyron’s channel partner here
in Spain, were key reasons in our decision.” 

The Chyron HyperX³·¹ systems have
been installed to provide presentation graphics for news
and daytime programming in TVG’s newly refitted Studio
1 and Studio 2, which now have full HD production
capabilities. Chyron’s CAMIO graphics asset management
server integrates the two HyperX³·¹ systems with TVG’s
installation of the AP NRCS news production system.

The latest release of Chyron’s flagship on-air graphics
system, HyperX³·¹ is ideal for live sports channels, news
stations, and outside broadcast productions. The extremely
fast, powerful, and easy-to-use HyperX³·¹platform features
seamless creation-to-playout capabilities and real-time
2D/3D animation. A major selling point for TVG was
Chyron’s award-winning Lyric™
advanced graphics creation and playout software,
a standard feature of HyperX³·¹.

“By completing the first installation of HyperX³·¹ in
Spain, TVG is a prime example of how Chyron’s
award-winning graphics technology can accelerate workflows
and enable broadcasters to take even the most complex
graphics presentations to air quickly and
efficiently,” said Paul Glasgow, vice president of
EMEA sales at Chyron. “With HyperX³·¹, TVG is able to
take its on-air graphics to a new level with features such
as tickers, clocks, and graphics with conditional
transitions. And, with the easy-to-use Lyric PRO software,
engineers can create complex animations in a fraction of
the time previously required.”

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About Televisión de Galicia

Based in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, Televisión de
Galicia (TVG) is the primary television channel of Galician
public broadcaster
Compañía de Radio Televisión de Galicia
. TVG now
broadcasts a full 168 hours per week, with almost 70
percent consisting of its own productions. TVG also
broadcasts an international channel in America and Europe
via satellite, and the channel is offered in other parts
of Spain, as
well as in Portugal, by
a number of cable television providers. More information is
available at www.crtvg.es.

About Chyron

Chyron (NASDAQ: CHYR) is a leading provider of Graphics as
a Service for on-air and digital video applications
including newsrooms, studios, sports broadcasting
facilities, and corporate video environments. An Emmy®
Award-winning company whose products have defined the world
of digital and broadcast graphics, Chyron’s graphics
solutions include the Axis World Graphics online content
creation software and order management system, on-air
graphics systems, clip servers, channel branding, and
graphics asset management solutions, all of which may be
incorporated into the company’s BlueNet™ end-to-end
graphics workflow. More information about Chyron products
and services is available on the company websites:
www.chyron.com and www.axisgraphics.tv. The company’s
investor relations information is at www.chyron.com via the
“Investors” link.

All trademarks and registered trademarks mentioned herein
are the property of their respective owners.

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