Popular Party Spokesperson Jose Manuel Balseiro said the Government was forced to take this measure. (Photo: YouTube, ppdegalicia/Stock File/FIS)

NAFO fleet crew to be denied aids


Friday, May 11, 2012, 23:30 (GMT + 9)

The Spanish government eliminated aids targeted to 500 sailors from 20 Galician freezer vessels fishing in waters under the jurisdiction of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO). It is argued that the measure is imposed due to an austerity plan given the current general crisis.

This decision will harm the crew of this fleet, who have so far received EUR 45 per day they have stopped fishing, that is to say, about EUR 1,300 per month without fishing.

Under this situation, Bieito Lobeira, deputy of the Galician Nationalist Bloc (BNG), decided to submit to the Committee on Fisheries of the European Parliament a non-law proposition requiring Madrid to restore the aid, valued at EUR 400,000.

The Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) adhered to the proposal, but requested the inclusion of the trawl fleet fishing for lobster.

Meanwhile, the Popular Party (PP) blamed it on the “inheritance” received from the previous government, led by José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.

“On account of our responsibility, we must take such measures that no one would like,” said José Manuel Balseiro, PP spokesperson in the Fishing commission.

Anyway, he introduced an amendment that proposes to ask the Government to ensure the sailors affected by the fishing interruptions in NAFO fishing zone receive “minimum wages.”

BNG expects the clarification of who will provide the funds and how they will be provided and the specification of what is meant by “minimum wages” take place.

PP would not negotiate and applied the rule of majority of votes, which finally rejected the proposal to require Madrid to restore the aid, the newspaper La Voz de Galicia reported.

Thus, the Galician fleet is undergoing a difficult situation as this year quotas of species such as halibut, cod and skate have been reduced.

At NAFO it is indicated that they are not afraid that the abolition of subsidies could cause some boats to be tempted to fish regardless the quota.

According to the organization, control mechanisms are “complete” and “comprehensive”, the newspaper Faro de Vigo reported.

It is expected that the next annual meeting of the States fishing in this fishery takes place in September, 2012. At that time, NAFO members will decide “how to allocate their own quotas.”

Related article:

NAFO sets Greenland halibut and cod quotas

By Analia Murias



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