We don’t know about you, but on an 85-degree day, when we stroll into The Daily Caller at the crack of 2 p.m. having already broken a damn sweat, we go all in and pick up a couple of six-packs for the elevator ride to the office. Because nothing tells your boss that you’re here to seize the day like shorts and a run to the package store. Muggy D.C. days make us crave Spanish beers like baseball makes us crave those cool aluminum bottles, breakfast Cheerios make us crave Grand Marnier and breathing makes us crave IPA. So without further ado, The Daily Caller presents Hijos de Rivera Brewery’s Estrella Galicia and Butternuts Beer Ale’s Snapperhead IPA Farmhouse Ale.

Hijos de Rivera Brewery’s Estrella Galicia

So, yeah. We were sweating. And thirsty. And it was a Tuesday. The bottles were just glistening in the cooler, so we went for the Estrella Galicia, and it hit the spot.

First, some background: Created in 1876 by August Keuntzmann Damm and his wife — Alsatian refugees from the Franco-Prussian War — Estrella Galicia still uses the same recipe it did then, and the original factory is now used for half-naked Spanish parties that, well, look totally awesome.


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We particularly love the please drink responsibly warning at the bottom. And, of course, that midriff.

And now to the beer. This pale lager kicks off with a thick, healthy white head that fades slowly into a clear, golden beverage. But before that — we mean as soon as you pop the lid — you will be hit with the nose of sweet malts that pour forth from the brew.

On the tongue, Estrella Galicia is nice and refreshing, with a slightly bitter taste on the back of the mouth. We chalk the refreshing quality up the rice in the original recipe — an ingredient American drinkers will be more familiar with in Budweiser. And it was the flavor we needed to begin a day of investigating commies and playing ping pong, but it could also kick off most parties well. TheDC would pair this Spanish beer with 85-degree weather, a lawn chair and some grilled wings in a basic blackened dry rub.

At 5.5 percent ABV and $9.99 for a 6-pack of bottles (we’re starting to think homeboy is jacking up those prices), this Spaniard is good by us.

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