MANILA, Philippines, April 25, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Pioneering social networking site, Friendster officially announces its redesign as a social discovery and gaming platform that offers users a unique experience which combines search, content discovery and social functionalities. In line with the brand promise, Read more [...]
Nach dem Motto „Das Pilgern beginnt vor der Haustür“ hat der frühere Hanauer Berufschullehrer und Autor Joachim Schulmerich jetzt die schönsten Seiten dieses Weges in einem 192-seitigen Begleitbuch mit einem ausführlichen Serviceteil zusammengestellt. Er stimmt den Leser auf jede der sieben Etappen mit einem meditativen Text und einem Bibelwort ein. „Genauso wichtig, wie sich in Bewegung zu setzen, ist es, innezuhalten, sich die Zeit zu nehmen, die man nicht zu haben scheint“, notiert Read more [...]
Alarm pogodowy. Układ niskiego ciśnienia o imieniu Petra dał się we znaki mieszkańcom Kraju Basków - informuje TVN Meteo. Przyniósł ulewy i wiatr dochodzący do 100 km/h. Fale na Atlantyku sięgają pięciu metrów wysokości. NADCHODZĄ GWAŁTOWNE BURZE Ogłoszono pogodowy alarm drugiego stopnia dla prowincji: Cantabria, Galicja, Asturia, Navarra oraz Kastylia i León.  W ciągu najbliższej doby spaść ma od 20 do 50 l wody na m/kw. Poprawa pogody nastąpi dopiero w czwartek. Read more [...]
The tax lease system was used to build vessels until mid-2011. (Photo: Abeijon Hermanos) No agreement in 'tax lease' negotiation SPAIN Wednesday, April 25, 2012, 01:40 (GMT + 9) The head of the Ministery of Industry and Pymar, José Manuel Soria, and the Read more [...]
In the comments below: You should include a Moroccan or otherwise native North African sample. Without a North African sample West Africans act as proxy for some of that North African ancestry that does exist in Iberia, specially the Western third (Portugal, Galicia, Extremadura, León, etc.) Doing that your analysis would become more precise and you could make better informed claims. I was reading through all the entry and there was no mention to the rather surprising Read more [...]
AMAIA MAULEN - VIGO En un momento en que la cultura parece ser lo menos importante y se multiplican los recortes en cada uno de sus sectores, Alberto Nez Feijo apost ayer en Vigo por elevar "el papel de toda la industria cultural, porque ellos son necesarios para construir y reconstruir el pas". El presidente de la Xunta presidi el acto de conmemoracin del Da Internacional del Libro y la presentacin de la edicin facsimilar de la obra "Galicia como tarea", de Valentn Paz Andrade, Read more [...]
J.FRAIZ - OURENSE Cuando llueve, la carretera nacional N-525 que vertebra el acceso a la ciudad de Ourense se convierte en una amenaza real para los conductores. A pesar de las sucesivas mejoras aplicadas durante los ltimos aos en materia de conservacin y seguridad en este tramo periurbano, en el nudo de circulacin del norte de la capital, los accidentes de trfico no se han detenido. Las colisiones en un trazado sinuoso son aparatosas y con graves consecuencias. En 2011 se registraron Read more [...]
Udlost roku na eskm internetu, prodej vtinovho podlu v internetovch obchodech, stle hal rouka nejasnost. Ob strany, tedy kupujc jihoafrick mediln a internetov skupina Naspers i prodvajc, z nich nejvt podl m zakladatel Ondej Fryc a fond Intel Capital, uvdj, e se k obchodu dosud nemohou vyjadovat. Pokud se vak v ptek oznmen cena vrazn nezmn a hodnota cel spolenosti by se opravdu pohybovala na rovni 220-230 milion eur (5,5 a 5,75 miliardy korun), povedl se prodvajcm husarsk kousek. Read more [...]
Monday 23, April 2012     Vueling, the new generation airline, has announced the reintroduction of the direct Edinburgh-Barcelona route.   The three times weekly flights will complement Vueling’s expanding UK-Spain route network comprising existing fights from London Heathrow to Bilbao, Galicia, La Coruna and Vigo and it’s new routes for summer 2012 from Cardiff to Barcelona, Mallorca and Alicante and from Southampton to Barcelona.    The route will start next 23rd June and Read more [...]
The Martín Códax Winery, known for its Spanish Albariño, will host an exclusive wine and seafood tasting on April 24th at the W Hotel to announce their partnership with Fabien Cousteau’s nonprofit organization. The day of the event, Martín Códax will be making a donation in New York and Miami to aid the efforts to improve marine and sea life. Founded more than 25 years ago in Galicia, located in the northwest region of Spain, the Albariño is dubbed the “Wine of the Sea.” Similarly, Read more [...]

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