Fishing longliner ‘Coyo Tercero,’ one of the Spanish vessels involved in the trial. (Photo: Stock File)

Two Spanish companies admit ‘illegal fishing’ in England


Wednesday, April 11, 2012, 00:20 (GMT + 9)

Two companies from Galicia that have been accused of illegally fishing in British waters accepted the charges imposed by the Trial Chamber 1 of Truro district, the capital of the region of Cornwall.

The companies involved, Hijos of Vidal Bandín SA and Sealskill Limited, are being represented at trial by Manuel Vidal Vidal Suárez and Maria Dolores Vidal Mariño, respectively.

Apart from the businessmen and shipowners, the chiefs José Antonio Pérez García and José Manuel Martínez Sánchez are accused in the judicial process.

They are being judged for having illegally fished in waters of West Country County, in the southwest of England, on board the ships Coyo Tercero and O Genita, respectively.

In total, the defendants are facing nine charges.

As reported by the English Web Site This is Cornwall, one of the charges is “conspiracy to defraud” the Marine Management Organization (MMO).

Specifically, the companies are accused of having lied in their record books on board and ashore “so as to hide the real catches.”

The case goes back to the period between January 2009 and July 2010.

During the trial, Pérez García pleaded guilty on behalf of the shipping firm but not as an individual.

The company that owns the ship Coyo Tercero – Hijos de Vidal Bandín — has also been accused of failing to properly register the transfers of fish among the ships “between January and July, 2010.”

Besides, Sealskill Limited and Sánchez are accused of submitting false information on fisheries between January and August, 2010 both in the record books and in the defence statements.

Prosecutor Andrew Oldland said the defendants must return to the Court on 15 June, when the court order will be released.

García and Sánchez were released on bail.

By Analia Murias



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