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Miguel Galeiras and Marcos Rodriguez co-organizers of the event have confirmed that the Cabreiroa Pantin Classic Pro will be held this season with their continuing support of men’s as well as women’s professional surfing in Europe.
One of the most prestigious events of the ASP European Tour, the Cabreiroa Pantin Classic Pro, will return in 2012 and celebrate its 25th anniversary at the iconic ‘Playa de Pantin’ Galicia with an ASP 6-Star Women and 3-Star Men’s
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Il Consiglio Provinciale in apertura di seduta ha commemorato Pio La Torre a trent’anni dalla sua uccisione con un minuto di raccoglimento deciso dal presidente di turno Bartolo Ficili. Successivamente è stato incardinato il conto consuntivo 2011 con la dichiarazione del presidente Angela Barone della seconda commissione consiliare. L’atto è stato votato a maggioranza favorevolmente con l’astensione proprio della presidente Barone. Il consigliere provinciale Silvio Galizia, componente
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Click the images below for bigger versions:2012 Moto3 Championship
Italian rookie Romano Fenati confirmed himself as a star of the future with a dominant maiden win in tricky conditions at the Gran Premio bwin de España at Jerez, which saw almost half the field crash out.
Redox-Ongetta-Centro Seta´s Jakub Kornfeil got the best start and led the frantic opening stages in a race that was declared dry, despite a few damp patches still out on track. Red Bull KTM Ajo´s Danny Kent, Caretta Technology´s
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Playa de Pantin, one of the most iconic surf spots in Europe, is celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Cabreiroa Pantin Classic Pro. The Spanish wave peak located in the Galicia region brings a 6-Star Women and 3-Star Men’s event to the beautiful landscapes of Ferrol.
"The Cabreiroa Pantin Classic Pro for many years has supported women’s surfing because we consider that it is put to one side by the surfing industry and what we need to support is equality in sport", stated Miguel Galeiras,
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(FERPRESS) – Roma, 30 APR – Il Consiglio d’Amministrazione di ADIF ha approvato le gare di appalto per diversi contratti per un valore complessivo di 1.019.931.491 euro finalizzati all’esecuzione di opere sulla linea ad Alta Velocità Madrid-Galizia, compresa all’interno del Corridoio nord-nordest dell’Alta Velocità.
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Privatization allowed for Spain’s regional public channels
Iñaki Ferreras ©RapidTVNews
| 30-04-2012
Valencia, Madrid and Castilla-La Mancha have announced their intention to use new regulations regarding regional TV channels to privatize their public TV channels, while Catalonia, Extremadura, Andalusia and Galicia have announced that they will maintain governance.
At the Council of Ministers on 20 April, the Government approved a modification of the Audiovisual
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Investigates the Galician PP accounts receivable 231,400 euros anonymous – World News
Publication Date 30 April 2012
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Borovice coloradskáFoto: Daniel Mayer, Licence Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.5)Svět je přičiněním člověka stále hlučnější. Silniční a městská doprava, továrny i zcela běžné denní aktivity lidí – to všechno halí svět do neutuchajícího rámusu. Mnozí živočichové na to reagují.Když například vědci měřili hlasitost zpěvu městských slavíků, zjistili že v blízkosti rušných křižovatek zpívají ptáci o poznání hlasitěji než v tichých
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Appassionati delle Highlands, riunitevi tutti.
A Valle Ventura, tra Modica e Scicli, si svolge per cinque giorni - dal 27 Aprile al 1 Maggio - Triskelia, il festival dedicato alla cultura celtica e medievale, che per quest’anno cambia location dopo tre edizioni alla Diga Santa Rosalia di Ragusa.
Valle Ventura si presta splendidamente per gli stage proposti e per i suoni che si levano dalle cornamuse, e il bel tempo contribuirebbe a una buona riuscita, per quanto diserti alle nuvole dei paesi
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